How to use it?
How should LA VAGUE Sels de Bain be used?
Allowing the many vital and active ingredients from LA VAGUE Sels de Bain to act on the skin and body is an excellent way to activate and rejuvenate the skin and body. Even shorter baths of up to 20 minutes bathing time bring a lot and are extremely useful.
Anyone who wants to further optimize LA VAGUE Sels de Bain bathrooms has different options for this. Basically, a longer one Bathing time and a higher, but of course still tolerable Dose, the effects further intensify. Also brushing the skin and especially the main detoxification points under the armpits, on the feet and hands, on the neck, face and head etc. bring additional effects. During a LA VAGUE Sels de Bain - bath the head and that Bathing your face also has an extra effect on these areas.
The many vital and active ingredients from LA VAGUE Sels de Bain after Leaving the bath on the skin, letting it dry are possibilities another optimization. Then skin and body have even longer what of it.