
How does LA VAGUE Sels de Bain work?

LA VAGUE Sels de Bain protects your skin, neutralizes acids and acts as a true anti-aging miracle.

The LA VAGUE - Sels de Bain works:

  • promotes blood circulation
  • anti-inflammatory
  • skin tightening
  • deep cleansing
  • scar reducing
  • skin circulating
  • rejuvenating
  • vitalizing
  • renewing
  • detoxifying
  • deacidifying

The high number and concentration of the many ingredients and vital substances in LA VAGUE Sels de Bain cause the skin to relax, itching to be alleviated and inflammation to subside more easily. The LA VAGUE Sels de Bain bath water also helps to remove harmful substances from our skin. The skin removes toxins from the body more quickly. Thanks to the LA VAGUE Sels de Bain bath water and the particularly stimulated transdermal diffusion, the micronutrients can penetrate much deeper into the skin and body. This means our skin can absorb the valuable trace elements, minerals and other vital substances much more easily.

What improvements can be achieved with LA VAGUE alkaline baths?

LA VAGUE Sels de Bain can be a useful means of achieving targeted improvements to the skin and body, beyond the important general applications. Regular LA VAGUE - Sels de Bain baths can individually prevent the development of skin problems. Below are some examples:

Skin problems:

  • Dry skin
  • Oily skin
  • Neurodermatitis
  • acne
  • Itchy skin
  • Excessive sweating

The result is a beautiful, natural and vitalized appearance through improved skin and hair and more vitality and freshness of the entire body.

There are different theories, skin remedies, cosmetics and methods on the topic of skin.

Which is better, acidic or alkaline skin products?

The advocates of acidic skin products speak of the skin's protective acid mantle, which should be at a PH value of 5.5, and therefore consider skin products that are similarly acidic to be suitable for protecting and improving the skin.

Proponents of alkaline skin products, on the other hand, use embryos, babies and small children as models, whose skin is much more alkaline than that of adults. They do not consider acidic skin to be normal or desirable, but rather see acidic skin as a result of various types of deposits in and on the skin, be it excess acids, toxins or other waste, each so aggressive that these substances are often not metabolized in the normal way can be deposited in the fat layers and in and on the skin and stored for a longer period of time because the body has no other option than to resort to these emergency measures.

From this point of view, the skin reacts very positively if it is given the chance to get rid of these aggressive deposits. Many have now discovered the positive effects of alkaline bath salts, alkaline bath additives or alkaline baths, which are particularly good for the skin. The alkaline bath has a special effect, especially on the skin.

It helps in rejuvenating the skin, tightening the skin, treating wrinkles, getting clear skin, counteracting dry skin, promoting the repigmentation of skin and hair, enriching important vital substances that the skin and body lack, and so on also prevent skin aging. Alkaline baths are also used for deeper problems, such as prophylaxis/prevention and for natural treatment of neurodermatitis, cellulite, varicose veins, thrombosis, etc.

Why is LA VAGUE Sels de Bain not an ordinary alkaline salt and what effects does it have on the skin?

With a base salt, excess acids in the skin and body can be broken down and neutralized. However, there are other, at least equally important tasks and problems that also need to be addressed:


Providing the skin and body with important vital substances / micronutrients / electrolytes / active ingredients / minerals / trace elements / vitamins / proteins / oils / secondary plant substances is of great importance. At LA VAGUE Sels de Bain, these substances are present in a wide range, in full-spectrum balances, and in high concentrations. Therefore, a different type of micronutrient therapy takes place here, which takes place via baths. A lack of electrolytes or a lack of micronutrients and vital substances is gradually reduced. If there is a deficiency in even one essential micronutrient or vital substance, especially a mineral or trace element, this can lead to serious problems and dysfunction of the skin and body. This is why the supply of these substances is so crucial for improving the skin and eliminating skin problems. This topic is specifically investigated and applied in orthomolecular medicine.

Detox treatment

Alkaline ingredients in alkaline salts alone are not effective in neutralizing most toxins in the skin and body. For this, the skin and the body primarily need more highly concentrated micronutrients, especially minerals and trace elements, which are able to neutralize, displace and flush out the various toxins and deposits and thus detoxify the skin and the body. Carrying out such detoxification repeatedly over longer periods of time as a cure is a sensible routine.

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Effects & Mechanisms